Industry Experts

The Dental Insurance and Billing Guru - Dr. Travis Campbell

  • by Drew Phillips, CPA, and CFO Advisor
  • March 30, 2022

This guest has a reputation in insurance and billing that precedes him; you may know him as the dental insurance guy or, more simply, as Dr. Travis Campbell. Travis quite literally wrote the book on dental insurance, and you can find a copy of "Understanding Dental Insurance" on Apple's iBooks platform. During our episode, Travis goes into rich detail about common misconceptions in the dental insurance and billing space and provides a number of helpful tips and tricks to get your practices billing system running efficiently. His new web-based platform is coming out soon, and you can get access to even more detail once it launches. Once live, the URL will be It's hard to talk about the business of dentistry without talking about insurance and billing because without them, there wouldn't be collections. It doesn't take a business degree to understand the importance of collections, without collections, there isn't a business; at best, it's a hobby. Travis isn't only an insurance and billing guru; he's also a practice-owning dentist who has put his methods to the test in his own practice. I'm excited for everyone to hear this episode!

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